Short therapy is a method for the active resolution of interpersonal problems.

"Discover Brief Therapy: An Active Approach to Solving Your Problems

Brief therapy offers a dynamic method for overcoming life's challenges.

Everyone encounters difficulties at some point. When these challenges persist without resolution, they can evolve into suffering. The goal of brief therapy is to halt this suffering by modifying the human interactions that fuel the problem.

How Does Brief Therapy Work?

In this approach, therapeutic work is concrete and grounded in the present. The patient is actively involved, working on new strategies for self-improvement. The therapist asks questions to understand the current problem and identifies the mechanisms that keep it in place. At the end of each session, the patient is assigned a task to complete, essential for the desired change.

Who Is Brief Therapy For?

This method is suitable for anyone facing personal, relational, or familial psychological difficulties, seeking satisfactory solutions.

Number and Frequency of Sessions?

Brief therapy aims to be as concise as possible while addressing the patient's needs. Typically, around ten sessions, spaced 15 days apart, are required. However, the frequency may vary depending on the progress of the work and individual needs.

In Conclusion

As P. Watzlawick points out, "Of all the illusions, the most perilous is to think there is only one reality." Brief therapy opens the door to an alternative reality, empowering the patient to become an agent of their own change, utilizing personal resources to build a better daily life."




HCMC Kraainem

Health and Care Medical Center - Kraainem

Avenue de Wezembeek, 106 – 1950 Kraainem
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