Some possible stages and the other techniques used during treatments:
The reasons for consulting a psychologist-psychotherapist with a child or adolescent can be diverse:
- Anxiety, fears, or sadness,
- Phobias,
- Obsessive-compulsive disorders,
- Behavioral problems and relational disorders,
- Academic difficulties,
- Eating disorders and sleep disorders,
- Developmental delays,
- Family difficulties,
- Etc.
Consultation sessions are moments of meeting with the child, parents, and family. The goal is to create a space for listening, reflection, and psychological work to understand the difficulties faced by the child and their family.
Furthermore, if parents feel overwhelmed or helpless in dealing with their children, an appointment can be made to defuse tensions and restore balance.
How does it work?
The initial appointments to analyze the request take place with the child and their parents, so that each can express themselves about the difficulties encountered. Then, for the actual therapy, depending on the situation and the age of the child, appointments are either with the child alone or with the parents. The aim is to allow the child to find a space where they feel listened to.
Consultations are available for children and adolescents aged 0 to 18 years old.